- To make this soup we will utilize a
- little tomato a smidgen tomato glue
- it's so natural so astounding you don't have
- too many stuff
- presently i will make you all stride by
- step everything what we will do
- how they will cook
- relax in case you are with me you are
- going to cook with me alright lets get
- begun
- I began warming my dish here what i'm
- going to do is i will blend olive oil and spread
- around one tablespoon of olive oil a
- half tablespoon of spread
- at the point when your oil is prepared
- add one tablespoon of tomato paste
- at the point when your tomato paste is prepared add your
- tomatoes
- going to crush them a tad
- after like 2-3 minutes they are going to
- be prepared i will add my chicken stock
- water you can utilize
- simply chicken stock you need you can utilize
- vegetable stock assuming you need salt
- also, dark pepper
- presently i will stand by till it's bubble
- at the point when I begin bubbling i'm going to
- put my hotness in lower heat blend it in with power
- following 15 minutes i'm adding 1 3 cup of
- slashed parsley which is around 2 tablespoon parsley
- and furthermore adding half lemon
- i'm utilizing vermicelli
- on the off chance that you don't have vermicelli you can utilize orzo
- your vermicelli soup is ready to serve ( Enjoy)...
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