Classy Fried Bread Recipe
Classy Fried Bread Recipe
Have three cups of flour and a teaspoon of salt and 2 TSP of baking powder you
can go ahead and put in right now if you prefer it is optional so we're going to
go ahead and mix the dry ingredients andIndian fry bread the Navajo fry bread isnot that difficult it's just the threeingredients if you want to go ahead anduse dry milk you can go ahead and usethat as well and then all you have to dois just add in the water and then youjust start mixing I'm using a warm waterand then if you know you don't need morewater just go ahead and keep mixing itput aside a small bowl of flour soyou can keep adding small portions sowon't be stickystart losing the stickiness on the doughyou can go ahead and will go ahead andhave it rise for about 20-30 minutes andthen we'll go ahead and start making thebread see you back in a few now we'rebackstill row so now we're going to go aheadand divide the dough up just go aheadand put them into round toesand I'm using wax paper and you put alittle bit of flour on it once you getused to it it'll be no problem and Ialready started to turn on the grease Ihave it on simmer having you good greaseheat up slowly the dough and in water ifanything go ahead and get started on thefry bread okay hello ever when we'reback we're going to go ahead and getstarted on making the bread so you justwant to go ahead and just go in acircular motion stretch out the doughtry it a few times sometimes I'll goahead and just put more flour on therethen here comes the fun part sometimesyou can leave it or you can patch itit's still going to go ahead and createair bubbles once you put it in greaseso let's go ahead and put this one intoonce you get the hang of it you'llpretty much start find them taking himout and then you can go ahead and startmaking your next one while you'regetting ready to turn your other breadokay let's go ahead and check on theother breadusually shake off the excess grease thengo ahead and lay down sideways sodone with the fry bread so we're goingto go ahead and prepare Indian tacos goahead and just put that on the plate I'mgonna go ahead and put the chili beanson top of the fry breadokay just go ahead and top your breadwe'll go ahead and put cheese down atthe bottom so Mount we're gonna go aheadand put the lettuce tomatoes to top itoff you can go ahead and put sour creamon there salsa it's optional on how youwant to eat the Navajo fry bread.
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