Creamy & Cheesy White Sauce Pasta
Creamy & Cheesy White Sauce Pasta
pasta preparation:
- to prepare this creamy cheesy pasta
- first up we'll boil the pasta so here
- have taken two cups of pasta this is
- penne pasta which is very easily
- available in the market if you want you
- can use any other shape of pasta you
- want to this is 2 cups of pasta which is
- around 200 grams
- and this pack is easily available in the
- market to boil this in a large pot here
- taken about five to six cups of
- water for boiling
- so while it is boiling i am going to add
- in some salt
- and half a teaspoon of oil
- and mix that
- as soon as it starts to boil we'll add
- in the pasta
- and mix it a bit
- so very important thing you need to keep
- in mind is that you need to add the salt
- at this point only then only it will
- absorb the flavor of the salt otherwise
- it will forget the salt in the pasta
- here and then your pasta will become
- little bland so keep that thing in mind
- and another thing not adding too
- much oil while boiling the pasta because
- if you'll have too much oil over the
- pasta it will not easily coat the sauce
- let it boil for about seven to eight
- minutes or until it's cooked up to 80
- percent that means it should still have
- some resistance
- so let it boil over medium flame only
- so it's been almost seven minutes
- just remove one pasta and show you this
- is how it looks
- just cut this and show you it
- forms a slight white ring on top you can
- see this is the perfect stage to remove
- the pasta that means this is almost done
- but not fully done and then we'll cook
- it further in that white cheesy sauce
- this stage is called al dante in italian
- so going to strain the pasta
- and then to stop the carry over cooking
- we are going to put some more water on
- on top of this
- so wash it under the running water for
- about two to three minutes so stop the
- carry over cooking
- once that is done to keep it
- aside and let it strain further and if
- you want you can just spread it a bit
- and if you're going to use this pasta
- later then you can also sprinkle some
- oil over it and then use it later
- next up in a pan add 2
- teaspoons of oil
- over medium flame if you want you can
- also use some olive oil or butter
- instead
- once that is heated and add
- one teaspoon of garlic which is finely
- chopped
- and let it fry for about 30 to 40
- seconds or until its rawness goes away
- once the garlic is nicely fried next
- add in one onion which is
- roughly chopped like this and let
- it also cook for about one to two
- minutes or until slightly translucent
- so let it cook for about two minutes and
- going to add the other vegetables also
- so we don't want to turn it very dark
- it's done enough now add
- the rest of the vegetables so in goes
- one small carrot which is chopped like
- this
- half a capsicum cut into cubes like this
- handful of boiled corns
- you can add more or less as per your
- taste
- and cook these vegetables just for about
- two more minutes
- so that they are slightly tender but
- they should still retain its crunch
- so here you can add any vegetables which
- you like and you can simply skip the
- ones you don't like one more thing if
- you want you can also add some mushrooms
- or chicken if you like to at this point
- of time
- so these vegetables are tossed enough
- for almost two to three minutes we don't
- want to overcook it and make it very
- soft next add in some salt
- half a teaspoon of black pepper powder
- and mix that as well
- and after that switch off the flame and
- keep this aside.
white sauce preparation:
- to prepare the white sauce in a pan over
- medium flame i am going to take 4
- tablespoons of butter
- let it heat over medium flame and to
- this 4 tablespoons of butter
- add in 4 tablespoons of maida that is
- all-purpose flour so this is the regular
- salted butter which if you
- want you can also use the unsalted one
- if you like
- and after mixing the maida keep tossing
- it over low to medium flame
- for about three to four minutes or until
- the rawness of the maida that is the
- all-purpose flour goes away and it will
- also change its color slightly to peel
- so keep doing this over low flame only
- keep tossing it we don't want to turn
- this very dark
- one thing you have to keep in mind is
- that you have to continuously keep
- tossing this mixture over low flame only
- and one more tip i would like to give
- you here is that the ratio of the butter
- and the maida is same in this
- recipe always so here used four
- tablespoons of butter and for that
- used four tablespoons of maida this way
- you'll get the perfect creamy sauce
- so after about four minute
- start adding the milk
- so now we'll start adding the milk
- gradually we have to add the milk
- little at a time and start mixing the
- mixture otherwise it will stop mixing
- then it will form lumps in it so keep
- mixing adding the milk two
- cups of milk for that four tablespoons
- of maida so keep doing this and mixing
- it and soon you'll see the mixture
- becoming slightly thicker this is how it
- looks
- and if you want you can also use a whisk
- in between to break that lumps if any so
- that it comes down to very smooth and
- creamy base
- so after mixing it for about three to
- four minutes you can see the mixture
- becoming little thicker and
- all the lumps are gone
- at this point of time add in some
- salt
- half a teaspoon of black pepper powder
- half a teaspoon of red chili flakes
- and half a teaspoon of mixed herb
- seasoning these all the seasonings and
- masalas are easily available in the
- market
- and mix that as well with the base
- and keep cooking the sauce further for
- about another three to four minutes
- or until it's cooked through over low
- flame only
- now how to judge that this is the right
- stage to put in the pasta whether the
- sauce is prepared or not so one tip
- would like to give you here whenever you
- put your spoon in the sauce and when it
- is coating the back of the spoon this
- way see this way
- that means it's the perfect coating
- consistency it's neither too runny nor
- too thick it's a perfect coating
- consistency that's the right state you
- can put your pasta
- once that stage comes add
- in the prepared vegetables
- along with the boiled pasta
- and will mix everything really well with
- the help of a spatula until all the
- vegetables and the pasta are nicely
- coated with the white sauce
- so let it cook further for about two to
- three more minutes so that it absorbs
- all the flavors of the sauce
- and if you find your sauce to be very
- thick at this point of time then you can
- add just two to three tablespoons of
- milk or water to adjust its consistency
- so it's been almost two minutes
- cooking over medium flame
- don't have to cook it too much also
- otherwise your pasta will be over boiled
- and it will break apart in it
- this thing you have to keep in mind you
- have to cook the pasta just enough for
- two to three minutes so that it's fully
- cooked also but not overcooked
- adding three to four tablespoons of
- grated cheese.
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